HIGH-QUALITY TRAINING - Getting started in the world of firearms and personal protection can be an overwhelming experience. This course will arm you with the knowledge you need to become a responsibly armed American.
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION – Keeping our classes caped at 12 students per class, gives you a better 1 on 1 experience.
The Michigan CPL instruction has a required-by-law minimum time of 8 hours. Students taking the CPL Course should already be able to show mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, and zeroing the firearm.
*You must be able to read, speak, and understand the English Language to take this course.
FOLLOW UP - Our instructors like to develop personal relationships and encourage students to follow up with questions. We will be there to help you, even after the class.
INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION - Our instructors hold NRA, USCCA, and MCRGO certifications with 30 years combined experience.
VALUE - If you are not confident in your skill level we strongly recommend one of our basic pistol classes prior to CPL. If you are unsure, we offer a pre-course qualifying assessment, call 616-371-7468 or email training@centershotgunrange.com for details.
WEATHER - We shoot indoors where the temperature is always comfortable, no matter what West Michigan throws our way.
What to bring:
Your pistol. No single action revolvers or muzzleloading pistols. Firearms are available for rent at $5.
A gun case that securely holds your pistol
Minimum 50 rounds of ammunition for your pistol (100 is better). No Magnum rounds, Aluminum casings, Tracer, Armor Piercing, or reloads please!
Eye & Ear Protection (Prescription glasses are fine- permitting they sufficiently cover your eyes)
Any special food/drink requirements
Optional: Pen & Paper for taking notes
·Shooting range appropriate, comfortable attire and shoes designed for movement.
No Open toe or low cut V-neck shirts.
PLEASE do not wear loose/open collar shirts! Hot brass always finds a way in!
What is provided:
Lunch (usually Subway sandwiches) on full day sessions only
Snacks, coffee, & water (please bring a bottle).
30 Day Membership to Centershot Gun Range
Course will cover the following:
Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan
Self-defense Firearm Basics
Shooting Fundamentals
Michigan CPL Law and Legal Supplements
The Legal Use of Force
Violent Encounters and their Aftermath
Gear and Gadgets
Cost: $130
Duration: 8+ hours
Class Size: Min 4 / Max 12
This class complies with the Michigan legal requirements (Section 5j of 1927 PA 372) for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License Application. -Classroom Instruction, Michigan Legal Review, & Live Fire Range Time.
**Prerequisite: This is NOT a beginner class, students must already possess the ability to proficiently qualify at 21’ with their pistol to successfully complete the course. If you are new to pistol shooting or are unsure of your skill level please enroll in one of our beginner pistol courses first.